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发布时间:2024-05-09       访问量:


The Current/Changing State of the Finance Profession


Dr Jeffrey Stangl BA, MBA, PhD, CFA

Associate Dean International, Massey Business School梅西大学商学院副院长

Jeff’s career traverses business and academia. The focus of Jeff’s business career has been start-up innovative companies, with broad experience in all aspects of business development and financial management. Jeff’s prior international business and investment experience largely dictate his research direction. His research encompasses the interface between academia and the finance sector. Jeff’s research passions lie with building financial capability and improving investor education. He sits as a founding Board Member for the Westpac/Massey University Financial Education Research Centre and Chairs CFA Society NZ. Jeff has an engaging speaking style and presents regularly on investing and financial literacy.


地点: 贝斯特bst3344一楼会议室

